16 Event Sequencer
Excuse the hand drawn schematics. They should print out OK.
10 turn pots to dial in control voltage
Dialing to lowest position produces a "rest" at that event (no output gate and trigger produced)
Gate and trigger outputs with adjustable gate width
Adjustable glide/portamento
Continous run, Single Step, Single sequence modes
Reverse sawtooth available from VCO/clock output
Internal or external clock
Switches to select last note played
Cool looking LED's go 'round and 'round!
Get whatever 10 turn pots you can, cheap. I got a bunch of 500 ohm pots that I ran off of
2v (from a uA723 regulator), and scaled it back up to 5v with the output opamp.
Like a lot of the other modules in OGEE, I used parts I could get my hands on when working as an engineer
at PMI. Parts like the MUX-16, 7510, and SW-201 can be substituted with readily available CMOS parts, with
appropriate pinout changes.