One of the most common configurations for pots are to be hooked up as a
Variable Voltage Divider (Figure 1). With a linear pot for RV, Vout will be linearly proportional to Vin providing the pot value is 10 times
less than the load resistance represented by RL. As RL approaches the value of RV, the Vout to Vin response is "warped".
The best way to see the effects of pot loading is via a nifty little Java applet
written by Christopher List.
Here is a good opportunity for part substitution. As long as you obey the rule that the pot value << RL/10, you can use any value for the pot.
If you can stand a little warping, you can go up to a pot value of 5 times less than RL.
There are some limits to how low you can go with a pot value if you are using it to divide a
voltage down, due to power disspiation in the pot. In Figure 2, a typically control voltage summing amplifier, the full 30v of the plus
and minus power supplies are across RV3. The << RL/10 rule would give a value of 15K for RV3. You could substitute a 10K pot easily.
But what if you had a 1K pot? That is a problem, because the power dissipation would be (30)^2/1K = 0.9 watts.
You can play some tricks here. Let's say you want the pot to give you the equivalent of a +/- 10v adjustment range. In an inverting
summing amplifier, you are really summing input currents. The V.C. In input has a 100K resistor, so the input current for a 10v
range would be 10v/100K = 100uA. Note that the choice of +/- 15v across the pot with a 150K summing resistor gives the same 100uA.
But let's say you just have to use your 1K pot for RV3. You can put some resistor in series with it,
so that less voltage is dropped across RV3 (Figure 3). Say we want +/- 5v dropped across RV3 for a total of 10v, and so you need to drop another
10v across R5 and R6. Therefore we can make R5 and R6 1K also. The power dissipation in RV3 will be (10)^2/1K = 0.1 watt, which is fine
for a typical 0.25 watt pot.
Now to get the +/-5v across RV3 to give the 100uA, we half R4 to 50K (49.9K, or for Initial Value type controls, 51K is probably OK).
For trimpots, where the value of the pot will be adjusted once and then left, obeying the pot value << RL/10 rule is less
important. In Figure 4, a typical control voltage rejection trim circuit for an OTA, the value of the RV trimmer could be made equal to the load
resistance R6, which would warp the rotation vs. resistance curve, but it really doesn't matter since you are setting the value once.