Power Supply

My original plan was to have a completely home built power supply (schematic below) for og2. However, I came across a great deal ($5!) on ebay for a Power One +/-12v 1.7A to +/-15v 1.5A, so I am using that instead. It came set for +/- 12v, and when I tweaked the trimmers to get it to +/- 15v, it wouldn't quite make it that far on the negative supply. So, I've got a +15v -14.5v power supply!

I built a PCB with the connectors for distribution, the fuse, and a 7805 based +5v supply.

Original Design, +15v, -15v, +5v, all 1amp

  • PCB built and stuffed
  • Power Supply schematic

    Power Supply PCB 1x size

    ©2001 Scott Bernardi